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What is TheForce.Trade

TheForce.Trade is a DeFi and NFT Value-Adding Platform that utilises community-elected tools and smart contracts to unlock the full value of DeFi and NFT assets. It is designed to solve the difficulties of DeFi and NFT investors in collecting and analysing information on different projects and mining pools.

The motivation behind developing this Platform is that a lot of DeFi investors, including ourselves, find it always difficult and time-consuming to put together all the data we need, and it is also quite cumbersome to manually harvest farming yields and switch between pools and projects.

The Platform creates values by presenting users with community-voted tools they need to maximise their returns on DeFi yield farming and to unlock liquidity and valuation on NFTs collections while allowing them to track and control relevant risks.

More specifically, the platform offers tools and services including Zero-Fee Auto Compounding Farming, Community-Voted Pools, Wallet Allowance Checker, Impermanent Loss Calculator, History Yield Graph, NFT Mystery Boxes, NFT staking, NFT lending etc. These functions are organically associated through our governance token FOC.

Some typical use cases of the Platform include:

  • Any new or experienced Yield Farming Investor can use the Platform’s visually presented DeFi aggregator to find the best pools that suit their needs, and start generating compounded returns with one click, without needing to harvest their yields manually.

  • A new De-Fi project can apply to be listed on our launchpad and get immediate access to our thousands of investors in our community. We will then set up a funding pool based on a fixed purchase rate for tokens. The main benefit is that such Pools will maintain the token price throughout the sale until the initial supply is bought, and investors will know exactly how much they are paying for and how much tokens they are getting.

  • A new NFT investor can purchase, trade or list their entertainment NFTs through our NFT Platform, and can easily generate returns by staking purchased NFTs or lending out their NFTs.

  • An Artist with zero knowledge of NFTs can use the Platform’s NFT services to tokenise their artworks, generate NFTs, and put those NFTs on the Platform’s built-in auction system to make them accessible to investors around the globe.

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